Slacker is listed as one of the 1001 movies you must see before you die. Written and Directed by Richard Linklater. $23,000 dollars spent in making the movie.
'Presents a day in the life in Austin, Texas among its social outcasts and misfits, predominantly the twenty-something set, using a series of linear vignettes. These characters, who in some manner just don't fit into the establishment norms, move seamlessly from one scene to the next, randomly coming and going into one another's lives. Highlights include a UFO buff who adamantly insists that the U.S. has been on the moon since the 1950s, a woman who produces a glass slide purportedly of Madonna's pap smear, and an old anarchist who sympathetically shares his philosophy of life with a robber.'
And now my review:
That was the hardest movie I have ever had to sit through.
With no Story line and (to me) no sense of direction. I could not for the life of me see how anyone could like sitting in the movie theater for about 2 hours watching and listening to 'Stoned' people talk about how the Government is corrupt and that smurfs are ruining the minds of the young children who watch it and the UFOs.. I mean what the heck did I just sit through and watch?? I wanted to fall asleep, it lost my attention pretty much within the first 5 minutes of the movie starting.
If this is any indication on how all the rest of the films are going to be, I want my 20 pounds back that supposedly went to these movies. Waste of time, I literally felt like I just lost 2 hours of my life that I will never be able to get back by watching that movie. Harsh, yes I know, but that is how I felt after sitting though that film. And I know I wasn't the only one who felt that way.